MP proposal and changes.
It was beneficial to look again at MP proposal and remind myself a few things. I decided that I won't make a new file and rather just put my thoughts here.
When I was writing my masters proposal I hold back because current uncertainty. I guess it's just saving myself from disappointment of not being able to complete my tasks because of circumstances that I don't have power over. For example, physical exhibition which I really wanted to happen.
I also, was keen to find meeting points between folk art and stories with my creative work but I think my research took me to a wider point. I was still looking into artists who does repetitive work, depicting similar characters. Furthermore, I looked at illustration books and looked for similar artists and or connection points with my creative work.
The beginning of inspiration search.
While reading feedback from previous work my attention was caught by word malevolent . It had a meaningful weight for starting sketching new ideas and continue my creative path and depict pancake faces in grotesque way.
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From a mask to a unit of something...
I call them masks but that's just their previous purpose. The moment I glued paper pieces over their eyes they became units with a purpose to form something in the ned of this journey. They are not meant to be worn or treated as an accessory in some ritual, they form a unique creature and it's up to me, as an artist, what is it going to be. In the start of the path I imaged a relief artwork as a bird and in the end it became a 3D egg.
So maybe it was egg first and then chicken?
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A little lino cutting and printing kit.
I was always interested in printing, however, never had time or opportunity to try it. I thought I will be able to it at NUA. First term seemed quite busy and then Covid happened. I was excited as I thought coming back September will definitely let us use facilities as before. To the great disappointment virus has mind on its own. I thought even though I won't be able to learn screen printing or etching which requires space and equipment, at least I can purchase a small lino cutting kit and touch the surface of learning printing. I must say I really enjoyed it and I will try do more similar work in the future.